San francisco gay pride parade lineup

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This theme was chosen for its simplicity, cost, and visual effect. We will be contacting you with more details once we have a better idea of the participation estimate. Example: Short/Long Sleeve (color saturation), UCSF Logo on the T-Shirt, etc.

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There is plenty of time at this point to incorporate changes before the order is placed. Marchers are asked to donate $5.00 when they choose one of the six colored T-Shirts that will be provided for them. Marchers will line up behind their chosen color, wearing matching t-shirts to create a walking rainbow flag. Walking Rainbow Flag: 6 rows Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet Sign up begins today and will continue online until June 22th 5:00 p.m. Show your pride and support for UCSF’s LGBTQ community! Be a part of this fun event on June 27th!

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